Saturday, November 8, 2008

Waves of The Holy Ghost

Now I'm not a Charismatic, neither have I ever attended their meetings, nor have I ever gone to an Assembly, or Church of God. But I have felt The Spirit at times, like a electric current hit me in the forehead and then going through out my body. It first happened at a Baptist Camp Meeting, and then at a Baptist Church. It's always good to have a little bit of Heaven to go to heaven in. Tabernacle Baptist Church, under the late Harold B. Sightler had 39 years of continuous Revival. Oh that it would happen again.... Oh, how we need a Holy Spirit gully washer TO RID US OF THE TRASH in our lives.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is November 11th. It is good to pause and thank those who served in the armed forces, to keep our Country free. I am also thankful for some other veterans, those who fought the good fight of faith, and delivered unto us, The Bible in English, and who set precedents in the Church. I am thankful for fearless preachers of the past, who were willing to die, for the faith, once delivered unto the saints. I am thankful for those Prayer Warriors who interceded for my soul, and for those who pray for me daily. Lets honor these veterans, not just one day, each year, but everyday by doing our duty as citizens of our country, but most of all, as Children of God.

Monday, November 3, 2008


It is time for God's Church to return to the old time way. When men filled with and energized by The Holy Spirit would stand up, and boldly proclaim ''Thus saith The Lord.'' The moral degeneracy of our churches calls for it. If it doesn't happen soon, the valid question will be, ''When The Lord comes again, will He find Faith on The Earth/'' Apostasy runs rampant. Men have elevated their own prejudices above God's Word. Instead of The Word judging them, they sit in judgment upon The Word. OH that once more the Holy Ghost would move upon the church. Oh that, men would boldly stand and preach The Truth regardless of what the cost was for them. Oh that The Church would influence the world, and not the world, the church. This is a call for Prayer and to Fasting. Oh how we need GOD.


Often, when someone loses, his or her spouse, or child, or, other loved ones, we hear it said , ''Now, I have no reason to live.'' But for the Child of God, One who has been saved by the Grace of God, he has one main reason to live; to glorify The Son of God, by living a life of faith in Him, and by obeying His Word. When we were saved, God could have taken us Home to Heaven, but, instead he left us here, to represent Him, and to take The Gospel to others. Although God has elected certain individuals to salvation, we don't know who, or where they are. God has chosen, that through the foolishness of preaching, He would save them that believe. CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, ELECTION IS A ENCOURAGEMENT FOR EVANGELISM. I CAN PREACH, TEACH, AND WITNESS, WITH CONFIDENCE, THAT GOD'S SHEEP WILL HEAR, AND BE LED TO A CONVERSION EXPERIENCE. The one reason to live is to honor, and glorify The Son of God, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


The problems we are facing in our beloved Country cannot be solved by a political party, nor by man. Our only Help, our only resource is God Himself. Change will come, when God's people want it enough, to lay a hold of The Horns of The Prayer Altar. Whoever wins the election, we must pray for. we should pray that the new President will surround himself with good counsel, and make moral decisions, in leading our Nation back to God. God says the king's heart is in His hand, and He turns it whither soever He Wills. God sets rulers up, and takes rulers down. Romans 13 tells us to obey those in authority, as they are God's ministers. II Chronicles 7;14 is what we need to go by--we must humble ourselves, confess our sins, and ask God to heal our Land.


It was Wednesday night, November 2, 1966. I got back home from Prayer Meeting, to find the house in disarray. The phone started ringing, a voice said my Dad had had a heart attack, and was rushed to the Holy Cross Hospital. I started for the door, and there was a knock. There stood My Dad's Pastor, Lex Smith and a Deacon, Lloyd Collins. They told me my Dad had died. EARLIER THAT DAY, DAD TOLD ME THAT HE WOULDN'T BE THERE THAT TIME NEXT YEAR. God had forewarned him of his demise. HE WASN'T A PERFECT MAN AND FATHER. But he was GODLY MAN, and I saw him witness to the lost many times. He kept me under the means of grace. I was only 21 when he went home at the age of 63. Now I am 63, with an identical heart problem. If I can be only half the man he was, I'd be happy. Here's remembering you Dad.


Time.... Time changes things. Time has made changes in our physical appearance. Time has made a change in our old home place. Time has made a change in all our friends and in us. Time is precious. It needs to be redeemed for our Lord's Cause. Time is ever fleeting; It is hastening on until it will end someday, in either Heaven or Hell for men. Today is the only time we have. Today is the appointed time for our salvation. We are not promised Time for tomorrow. Don't waste your time. Don't let time slip through your fingers. Now, it is high time to awaken out of sleep. Buy up time and use it for The Lord's Glory. Brethren it is the last times. Let us stir ourselves, and be up and going. Now is the only time we have. Paul W. Foltz DD