Monday, March 22, 2010
2 Peter 3;1-9 EXPLAINED
1. Some scoffers had raised the question of the delay of the Second Coming. Did the
fact of that delay mean that God was slack in some way regarding the fulfillment of
His promise, maybe even incapable of bringing it to pass/ Why the delay in His
2. Peter answers that there is a group that is the object of God's foebearance, and
that God is not willing that these certain ones should perish, but that all of
these should come to repentance.
3. Therefore the Second Coming is not delayed, but it is right on schedule, according
to God's plan and purpose in saving a people. Christ will come, when this people is
complete, and in the interval till then He will work bringing these to salvation.
4. Therefore the passage is not teaching that God is holding up the Second Coming in
the hope a few more will be saved. Rather, the Second Coming will happen according
to God's purpose and will, which includes the calling out of a people prior to
that hour.
5. This interpretation not only is true to the text and context, but it is also true
to the Biblical concept of God, Who is in full control, and works all things after
the counsel of His own will.
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