Saturday, November 29, 2008
Abortion is premeditated murder
Since The Bible says, God knew us, when we were in our Mother's womb, abortion other than to save the life of the Mother is premeditated Murder.
Our Nation has innocent blood on its hands, that God will soon judge. God hates and must punish sin.
Believers are free, For Christ bore their punishment.
Our Nation has forgotten The God of its founding Fathers, and will soon bear God's Wrath.
God may use sin to punish its sin.
God's Mercy is holding back His Judgment.
When we turn our back on Israel, we will be cursed of God, and will be punished for our many national sins.
Our only hope is a revival and a spiritual awakening.
May God send it in His Mercy, is my fervent prayer.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
As born again ones, we are to always speak the truth, and lie not one to another. But we are to speak the truth in love, not belittling or ridiculing others for their lack of light and knowledge.
No two believers are at the same level of maturity and have the same degree of light, as the other.
Therefore, we are to use meekness and humility in dealing with others.
But too often we are guilty of having a cocksure and a combative spirit.
we are not to compromise the truth, but we are not to be contentious in our contending for the body of truth, God has committed to us.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Baptists and Catholics
Today my comment was refused on a blog because I said, ''A Catholic and a Baptist can not sleep in the same bed unless one is asleep.''
Catholics believe in salvation by works; Baptists believe Salvation is by grace.
Catholics believe Mary is the mother of God; Baptists believe she is the mother of Christ's humanity.
Catholics bow before statutes in worship;Baptists believe in worshiping God ''in Spirit and in truth.''
Catholics pray to Mary; Baptists pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.
Catholics believe in Baptismal Regeneration; Baptists believe in Spirit Regeneration.
Catholics say Mary was virgin born, and was sinless; Luke says she worshiped God her Saviour.
Catholics SAY THERE IS NO SALVATION OUTSIDE OF THEIR CHURCH; Baptists used to believe salvation is only in Christ.
Catholic believe the bread and wine are changed into the literal blood and flesh of Christ; Baptists believe that they are only symbols.
Catholics believe the pope is the vicar of Christ; Baptists believe Christ Himself is is reigning,
TUESDAY, NOV 25, 1980
Tuesday, November 25, 1980 is a day that will forever be etched on mind and heart. On that day I lost my greatest friend on this earth, and my greatest prayer warrior, my Momma.
She had gone into the hospital on election day, after voting , to get her legs operated on. But her kidneys were giving out, and they couldn't operate. on the Saturday night, NOV 19TH, SHE HAD AWAKENED AND WAS COMPLAINING OF A HEADACHE. THE NEXT AFTERNOON I FOUND HER IN A COMMA. SHE WAS PUT ON A DIALYSIS MACHINE ON MONDAY, BUT IT WAS TOO LATE.
My brother Stan had to make the hard decision to take her off.
Tuesday while at the church, where I was associate pastor, I received the call that she was going to die. I rushed to Holy cross Hospital, to wait. I waited all day. Finally shortly after 10;00 pm eastern time, the nurse came out and said she was going. my late brother and sister, Vernon and Irene, her Daughter Delores and I went into her room. I took her by the hand, and prayed that the Lord would help her make the crossing over Death's river. at 10;15 HER HEART STOPPED BEATING, and SHE was gone.
She wasn't perfect, but she would often pray all night long. Many times I saw her kneeling when I went to bed, and when I got up, she was still kneeling in prayer. SHE LOVED ALL HER CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN.
I Thank God I had a praying Momma.
Here's remembering you, Momma. I love you and miss you. I will see you soon.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Receiving God's Word
The Lord, through James bids us, ''receive with meekness the engrafted word'' [James 1;21].
Our first duty is NOT to understand The Word, but to receive it.
So many fail at this point; they are not prepared to receive what The Bible says--on election, on baptism, on separation from Christ-dishonoring churches, on The Law etc-until they think they have understood it. That is, because of PRIDE.
Scripture must be made to bow to their intellect, rather than their intellect to the BIBLE....
Another reason Why many fail, is SELF-WILL; What the Bible says crosses their desires and conflicts with their views. That's why James says ''receive with meekness.''
meekness is pliability of spirit, moldablleness of heart, being clay in the potter's hands.
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