Saturday, March 29, 2008
Matthew 12;45
1. Seducing spirits.
Word ''seduce'' means to entice; to corrupt; to win over; to lead astray.
See I Timothy 4;1-3.
2. Unclean spirits.
Word ''unclean'' means to make impure; to make common; to make offensive; to make naked.
See Luke 8;27.
3. Lying spirits.
Word ''lie'' means to deceive; to be deceitful; to speak falsely or utter untruth; to make false
statements with intent to deceive. I Kings 22;22; John 8;44; I John 2;22; Revelation 21;8'
''And all liars.''
4. Deaf spirits.
They work;
a. To stop up ear of soul.
b. To stop up understanding.
c. To stop up reasoning of men.
d. To stop up mind of men. See Matthew 13;15; Ephesians 4;18.
5. Dumb spirits
a. Rebellion brings a dumb spirit.
b. Unbelief brings a dumb spirit. Luke 1;20; Mark 9;25 with Luke 1;62-67.
6. Foul spirits.
Word ''foul'' means dirty; filthy; noisome; foul smell. Mark 9;25; Revelation 18;2
7. Familiar spirits.
This is a divining demon; one who communicates with the spirit world; one well-acquainted;
thoroughly conversant; speak through a medium. This is condemned in the Word.
Leviticus 20;27; I Samuel 28;7; Deuteronomy 18;10-12.
8. Evil spirits.
Word ''evil'' means to cause harm; to cause injury, to cause wickedness; to cause trouble;
I Samuel 16;15; Luke 8;2.
paul w. foltz
I. What are demon spirits/
1. Evil spirits. See Judges 9;23; I Samuel 16;14-15; 19;9; Luke 7;21; 8;2; Acts 19;13-16.
2. Part of wicked hosts of Satan. Satan is a king with a kingdom. Demons are part of Satan's
organized kingdom. See Matthew 4;8; 12;26; Eph 2;2; 2 Corinthians 4;4; John 14;30;
Matthew 25;41
3. Disembodied spirits of pre-Adamic race. See Genesis 1;2; 1;28; 9;1; Isaiah 14;17.
4. Intelligent beings. See James 2;19; Matthew 8;29.
II. What is the nature of demon spirits/
1. Spirit-Beings.
2. Unclean spirits.
3. Now serve Satan.
4. They never die.
5. In rebellion against God.
6. They are confirmed in wickedness.
7. They have amazing strength-Mark 5;3-4.
8. They are lying spirits--I Kings 22;22.
9. They continually seek embodiment. When once they gain control over a human body,
they can come and go at will. Matthew 12;43-45; 2 Timothy 2;24-26.
III. What is the work of demon spirits/
I. Blind people--2 Corinthians 4;3-4.
2. B ind people--Luke 13;16.
3. In dwell people--Matthew 4;24; 8;28; 12;45.
4. Produce moral impurity--Matthew 10;1.
5. Produce false doctrines--I Timothy 4;1; 2 Peter 2;1; 2 Corinthians 11;4
6. Lead people to worship Devil. Deuteronomy 32;17; Psalm 106;37; I Corinthians 10;20;
Revelation 13;3-4; 14;9-11.
IV. How to be delivered from demon spirits/
Demons must be cast out and Christ must be enthroned, for a person to be saved, and to
have permanent relief from demons
1. Demon spirits are to be cast out by the Word. See Psalm 107;20 with Matthew 8;16;
Mark 16;15-17; Acts 8;4-8; 19;13-20.
2. Demons are cast out by Christ. Matthew 8;16; Mark 9;25.
3. The Christian is responsible to cooperate with The Holy Spirit. See I John 4;4; John 14;
16-17; 14;23; 2 Timothy 1;14.
Paul W. Foltz
Friday, March 28, 2008
Doctrines of Grace, An Encouragement to Evangelize
One of the charges leveled against those who hold to The Doctrines of Grace is that they use it, as an excuse not to witness nor to evangelize the lost.
This is not so.
I can preach, Teach, Witness, Pass out tracts, Evangelize, with the confidence, that God has His sheep out there, Who will respond to the message, and be converted to Christ.
Paul W. Foltz
A. A knowledge of simple sight and understanding.
1. Of sight--God knows all things and Himself, as they really are, or shall be.
2. Of simple understanding--things He will do.
B. There is a speculative and practical knowledge in God.
1. A speculative knowledge is when the truth of a thing is known without a respect to any
working, or practical operation.
The knowledge of things possible is only in God, speculative, because there is nothing for
God to work in Himself.
2. A practical knowledge which tends to operation and practice; and is the principle of
working with known things--the knowledge of things He has decreed to be.
C. There is a knowledge of approbation, as well as apprehension.
A. God knows Himself, and only knows Himself.
1. Knows Self because His knowledge, with His will, is the cause of all other things, He is
aware of.
2. Knows Himself by His own essence.
3. Knows Himself perfectly, comprehensively--Nothing in His own nature is concealed from
B. God knows all other things, whether they be possible, past, present, or future; whether they
be things He can do, but will never do. or be thinggs He has done, but are not now;
Things that are now in being, or things not now existing, that lie in the words of their proper
and immediate causes.
1. Things possible
a. All that man can think of
b. All in God's power to do.
c. Knew all things created, before He did them.
2. Knew all things past--Isaiah 41;22
3. Knows all things present--Hebrews 4;13
4. God knows all evils and sins of His creatures.
a. Foreknows His creatures
b. all acts of creatures foreknown to Him
c. This foreknowledge was certain.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
grits and grace
As A Southerner I enjoy grits with almost everything. It is a staple for me.
Likewise God's Free Sovereign Grave is my only hope for the Future. How sad it is , that most Baptists, today, do not know that the Baptist originally stood for the Doctrines of Grace. They are older than John Calvin. They are found on the pages of God's Holy Word.
MENhate them for it strips them of all the glory, and lays them bare, before God as wretched, ruined creatures, deserving judgment and hell.
Paul Foltz
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