Friday, January 1, 2010


When the Holy Spirit awakened me to my lost condition, it was a gracious day. But soon after I experienced a sad day, when the Spirit led me to see that I had sinned against Him, Who had died for me. Then I learned we have two natures warring in us. The one we feed and yield to, is the one which gets the upper hand. But through the filling of the Spirit, we have the victory of the sin nature. We must confess our known sins and yield ourselves to The Holy Spirit. It must be done repeatedly; everytime we sin.

Monday, December 28, 2009


1. Seek to get your heart into a state, where it has no will of its own in a given matter. Nine-tenths of the difficulties are overcome when the heart is ready to do the Lord's work, whatever it may be. 2. Don't leave the result to feeling or simple impression. If you do, you will open yourself up to delusion. 3. Seek God's will through, or in the Word of God. The Holy Spirit guides according to the Scriptures and never contrary to them. 4. TAKE INTO ACCOUNT PROVIDENTIAL CIRCUMSTANCES. They often plainly indicate Gos's Will in connection with His Word and Spirit. 5. Ask God to reveal His Will to you. 6. Thus, through prayer, study of the Word and reflection, you will come to find God's Will.