Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Paul writes, ''I follow after if that I may apprehend that for which I was apprehended of Christ Jesus.'' The 1st thing God did for Saul of Tarsus, then, was to apprehend him. The term signifies the laying fast hold of a delinquent, and Paul was just then apprehended. He had robbed God of His glory, as long as he could, he had sought to imprison and murder the saints, he had fought against the Lord Jesus Christ, and ''breathed out threatenings and slaughter'' against His followers. He ran away from Jerusalem down to Damascus, to carry out his diabolical plans and purposes there, in full pursuit of his mad career, as he himself says, ''EXCEEDING MAD against'' the disciples of Christ. As he pursued his course, an invisible hand lays fast hold of him. He is apprehended. He is called by name, that there be no mistake, ''Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me/'' The Lord's mighty grasp got hold of his conscience. In one moment possession was taken of all the powers of his soul. Not one step more, could he take as a persecutor, though he still had the carnal nature. The voice of the Son of God changes, transforms, regenerates, renews, makes him a new creature.