Sunday, March 30, 2008


I. You need to know who demons are. 1.Evil spirits. 2. Disembodied spirits. 3. Part of Satan's wicked hosts. 4. Lost and hopeless spirits seeking embodiment. They have a keen desire to re-embody themselves on earth, where they once lived. See Matthew 12;43-45. II. You need to know what demons know. They are intelligent. They have superhuman knowledge. 1. They know us. Acts 19;15. 2. They know Jesus. Acts 19;15; Luke 4;34. 3. They know future. Matthew 8;29. 4. They know their doom. Matthew 8;29; Isaiah 14;15-17; Matthew 25;41. III. You need to know where demons dwell. 1. They dwell in human beings. Matthew 8;28; 12;45. 2. They dwell in false prophets. Matthew 7;15; I John 4;1; 2 Peter 2;1; Second Corinthians 11;13-15; Revelation 19;20. 3. They dwell in apostate institutions. See Revelation 14;8; 18;4, 8; 19;1-6, I Cor. 10;20; Revelation 13;3-4. IV. You need to know what demon spirits do. 1. They disseminate false doctrines. See I Timothy 4;1; 2 Peter 2;1; II Corinthians 2;17; 4;2; 11;4, 13-15. 2. They dethrone reason and take its place. See Luke 4;33-34; Mark 5;1-5. 3. They lead the people, into false worship. See 1 Corinthians 10;20; Revelation 13;3-4. V. You need to know how demon spirits operate. 1. They work through suggestion. Matthew 4;3, 6, 9. 2. They work through signs. 2 Thessalonians 2;9-10; Rev. 16;13-14; Matthew 24;24. 3.They work through pressure. Luke 13;16; Judges 16;16. 4. They work through deception. Matthew 24;11; 2 Thes. 2;9-10; Rev. 12;9; 13;14; 19;20. VI. You need to know how to recognize demons 1. They produce deception. 2. They produce bondage. 3. They produce fierceness. 4. They produce a terrible strain on the heart, and on the nervous system. See Matthew 8;28; Luke 21;25-26. VII. You need to know what are our weapons of warfare. In 2 Corinthians 10;4 God says our weapons ''are not carnal''. In Ephesians 6;10-18 the different parts of our weapons are enumerated for us; 1. Girdle of truth. 14. 2. Breastplate of righteousness. 14. 3 Feet shod with preparation of gospel of peace. 15. 4. Shield of faith. 16. 5. Helmet of salvation. 17. 6. Sword of the Spirit. 17. 7. Praying in the Spirit. 18. See Jude 20; Romans 8;26-27 Paul W. Foltz

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