Tuesday, December 30, 2008

3 Characteristics of A God-called Preacher

There are certain characteristics of a God-called Preacher, or true minister of the Gospel. For the sake of space, we will cite 3 of the most outstanding ones. Number 1-He is born again--born of the Spirit, born from above, made a new creature in Christ Jesus--and Christ is a living reality to his heart. The God called, ordained preacher knows when he was saved, where he was saved, what he was saved from, and what he was saved to. In other words, he knows the Way of Grace. Number 2-He is chosen, ordained, and called of God to preach the unsearchable riches of the Grace of God, as set forth in God's Word, The Holy Bible. The Ministry Today has been commercialized until it is no longer a calling,and men as a whole, don't believe in The Divine Call to The Ministry. Christ said, ''Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you...'' [John 15;16]. Again, it is said, ''According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world'' [Ephesians 1;4], and according to Romans 1;1, ''called...and separated unto the gospel of God''. God's ministers are divinely called; they do not enter the ministry of their own accord. That call is as definite to them as can be. God doesn't call a preacher by visions, or dreams, or such like. God calls them by His Spirit through the Word, not by audible voices. Number 3-Every true minister of the Gospel is commanded to, and will, preach the Word. No born-again, God-called minister will preach his own opinions or ideas. God's command to every preacher is, ''PREACH THE WORD.'' He will preach The Whole Counsel of God, without fear, or favor--preach it to men as they are. A Hireling, or lost Religionist, will seek to cover up, or explain away,or minimize Blood Redemption in Christ, or Salvation by Grace, and Christ's Second Coming. God never calls a man to misrepresent Him, or preach anything except His Word. God nevers calls a man to exalt anyone but the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. God's preacher won't preach error, nor go astray.


  1. Amen, Bro. Paul Any person considering a call to a holy vocation should consider seriously your comments. One has to be sure he understands the Word of God clearly and that necessitates diligence in study and dependency on the Holy spirit for guidance.

  2. Thank you brother Charles, for your wise words.
    We have too many momma-called, daddy-called, preacher-called and self-called preachers.
    Thank God for the God-called Ones.
