Friday, July 4, 2008

Replacement Theology

One of the most erroneous doctrines, circulating even among Calvinists, is that of Replacement Theology, I.E. The Church has replaced Israel, and therefore all the earthly promises given to Israel have to be spiritualized, and applied to the church. God's plan or purpose can never be defeated, nor thwarted. He has a distinct plan for Israel as His Earthly people, as the wife of Jehovah. Likewise He has a distinct plan for The Church, The Lamb's wife. The Church is not a parenthesis, nor is it a replacement for a failed plan. Apart from making these distinctions, one makes havoc of God's Word. One of the proofs that The Bible is inspired is The Jew. No other nation moved off the scene, and reappeared 2500 years later. The Replacement Theologian can't read. The Bible always means what it says, to whom it says it, Where it says it. Holding that God has 2 purposes, one can make sense of The Word. apart from this, mass confusion results, and contradictions appear.


  1. Good point, brother. It is time we recognize replacement theology for the heresy it is. While we have been occupied with HOURS of preaching on long hair, short skirts, etc. God has been busy fulfilling his physical promises to physical Israel. It has virtually gone under our radar, and the heresy of replacement theology is one of the reasons for our blindness.

  2. Good point, brother. It is time we recognize replacement theology for the heresy it is. While we have been occupied with HOURS of preaching on long hair, short skirts, etc. God has been busy fulfilling his physical promises to physical Israel. It has virtually gone under our radar, and the heresy of replacement theology is one of the reasons for our blindness.

  3. I'm glad you see that, Amos.

    Only this view of the Bible makes any sense.
